137 Dividend Mr. Wade proposed Mr. Bainbridge seconded and it was unanimously resolved "That a dividend of 5% free of tax be declared on paid up capital." Election of There being no nominations in opposition Directors to the three retiring Directors who sought re-election the Chairman declared Messrs J. C. Baxter B. Kelly A. R. Wade duly elected to the Directorate. Election of Mr. J. Smith proposed Auditors Mr. Blackler seconded and it was resolved that Messrs T. T. Rogers Bowler & Co. be re-appointed Auditors to the Company at a fee of Fifty guineas. Players for The Secretary read the list of players for next next Season season. A Shareholder made the suggestion that during the month of April notification should be given to them of the Directors retiring at the following Annual Meeting, but no proposal was made nor resolution passed. Another Shareholder suggested that they be invited to an inspection of the new stand &c. Mr. Crosbie proposed seconded