129 Tranmere The Secretary read letter from Tranmere Rovers Rovers re Anderson, Buck & Butler & he was instructed to offer them the transfers of these players without fee on their undertaking to hold Anderson at our sole disposal & for our sole benefit. M. Turner This player having applied to the League for reduction of his transfer resolved his fee be reduced to £50 with power to the Secretary to still further reduce same if necessary. Transfer of F. W. Maver to Jos. Scott. Shares 1 fully pd 2297 & 2 15/- 985/6 Passed. Coleman The Secretary reported that the decision of the League was that Sunderland must make their own arrangements with Northampton herein. Len Woods A claim from Len Woods for injuries under the Compensation Act was read & the Secretary was instructed to go into the matter and report. Insurance The Secretary was instructed to ensure the Telephonic installation for £37.10.0 under the terms of the contract. Gault The Secretary was instructed to pay Jarrow Caledonians £25 balance of Gault's transfer fee.