128 Assistant Trainer The Secretary was instructed to see Cooke. Combination Resolved that the medals given by the Medals Lanc. Combination be awarded to C. H. Berry, W. Stevenson, J. Gourlay, Wm. Lacey, D. Rafferty, H. W. Mountford, L. C. Weller, J. Allan, C. Pratt, J. C. Bardsley & W. Michaels. Clubs do And that the Club present medals to the above with the exception of D. Rafferty & that T. Jones be given one instead. Numbered Resolved that all seats on the ground be Seats numbered. Turnstiles And that the turnstiles be overhauled rectified and turned to zero. North And that the Ground Committee consider the Goal advisability of re roofing the North goal Stand stand. The Secretary submitted the Report to the Shareholders & same was approved. The Secretary was instructed to include in next agenda players Billiard room and Sanitary arrangements on Bullens Road Stand. Hoardings The Secretary was instructed to offer D. Allen & Sons an annual tenancy of the Hoardings at a rental of £50.