[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel
May 10th 1910]
Present The full Board.
The Minutes of the last two meetings
were read & confirmed.
Goode The Secretary reported that the Directors
present on the 30th ult. had refused
Goode's terms as excessive. Confirmed.
The Secretary reported having omitted
to nominate R. E. Lythgoe in time.
Lofthouse Resolved that Lofthouse be paid
one month's salary in lieu of notice
instead of one week as previously
Pratt The Secretary was instructed to ask
any club requiring Pratt's services
to communicate with him re price
& payment of transfer fee.
Players The Secretary’s action in signing W.
Signed Stevenson at £3 & Jno. Borthwick at
£4 was confirmed.
The engagement of Llew Davies at
£2 for week with travelling expenses
he to train at Wrexham was
The Secretary was empowered to deal
with him as to Bonus for signing