96 v Carlisle & Berry Manchester Stevenson Meunier U. Res. & Allan Weller Rafferty v Chorley Pinkney Lacey Gault Gourlay Mountford on Gate 23rd Mr. Wilson. to F. A. Mr. Clayton & Secretary. League The Secretary was instructed to pay the sum of £55.5.0 to the League. Pinkney & £25 to West Hartlepool Expansion the balance of Pinkney's transfer fee. Gourlay Also £50 to Port Glasgow re Gourlay. Hall The Secretary was instructed to go to Leeds tomorrow to see this Rotherham outside right play & compare him with Tweddle & subject thereto it was resolved that if Tweddle & Fletcher were free they be signed on at best terms. Lanc. F. A. Resolved that R. E. Lythgoe he nominated for Division 5. Everton Com. The Secretary reported that the net v Coy XI receipts were £7.15.3. Tramways Resolved that we notify the Trams Ground As that we would not require their ground next season. The Secretary read form of agreement