
		[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park 12th April

Present		The full Board.

Minutes		The minutes of the last two meetings and of
		the Financial Meeting were read & confirmed.

Notts County	The Secretary reported his attendance before the League
		Management Committee in London yesterday and
		having fully explained the negotiations between
		himself & Notts County re our fixture of the
		29th ulto. and produced the correspondence in
		connection therewith, that the Management
		Committee decided that a provisional arrangement
		had been entered into by ourselves with Notts
		County and that the fine of £50 be rescinded.
		That we were fined £5.5. for not having
		registered such provisional arrangement with
		the League.

Weak teams  	The Secretary reported his attendance before the
		League Management Committee to explain
		the playing by us of weak teams in 5 matches
		and that having heard such explanation
		we were fined two sums of £25 each.

Bainbridge	The Secretary reported that Lofthouse went to Willington
		and saw this Centre Forward of South Shields
		Park Side, play and that he was hurt after the
		game had been in progress 20 minutes, but that
		he showed himself to be a promising player.
		The Secretary reported having seen Bainbridge
		and two of his Committee on Saturday evening