69 directed to draw Mr. Leitch's attention to the fact that the question of penalty had not been settled. Rent of Hoardings The Secretary reported a visit from Allen's representative who urged that having reduced the advertising spaces around our ground by one half the proposed reduction of rent from £70 to £60 was not commensurate & he offered £30 for same. Resolved we accept £50 for this season & that a new arrangement be entered into. Team v Wm. Scott Barnsley Clifford Maconnachie Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp White Freeman Young Barlow Allan & Balmer reserves v Nelson Walter Scott Stevenson Bardsley Rafferty Borthwick Weller Pinkney Lacey Gault Gourlay Turner v Rovers Res. Walter Scott Stevenson Meunier Rafferty Pratt Weller Michaels Coleman Jones Carlisle Mountford Bury Wm. Scott Clifford Maconnachie Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp White Freeman Young Burton