59 on gate 12th Mr. Clayton 14th Mr. Wilson Team v Villa To be selected on Monday next. Continental Resolved that no football Continental Tour Tour be arranged but that if the team appear in the Final a trip to the Continent be arranged the details thereof to be subsequently fixed up. Alterations The payment of £930.15.11 to F. Morton & Co. Ltd. was passed. Debentures The Consideration of this matter was further deferred. L'pool Cup It was resolved that this tie be replayed on a day to be arranged by the Secretary: the admission to be 6d and that with L'pool F. C.'s approval £50 be given out of the proceeds to form the nucleus of a County F. A. Benevolent Fund. The Secretary was instructed to go North on Friday. Elliott Resolved that a medal be given to Jno. Elliott in commemoration or our success in the Lancashire Cup. L'pool Schools Application for our Ground on Saturday & Good Friday F. A. mornings was declined. Thursday Cup