54 Reports The Dr.s report was read. The trainers reports were made. The matches of Saturday at Sheffield Buckley & Home were reported as was the League International. Team v Wm. Scott Coventry City Clifford Maconnachie Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp White Freeman Young Barlow A. Berry Reserve. v Hyde H. Berry Stevenson Meunier Davies Pratt Rafferty Michaels Coleman Gault Carlisle Turner. v L'pool Walter Scott Res. R. Balmer J. C. Bardsley Allan Borthwick Weller Pinkney Lacey Jones Gourlay Mountford. Directors to Kenilworth Messrs Bainbridge Wade & Whitford. to Coventry Messrs Baxter Clayton Kirkwood & Wilson. on Gate Mr. Davies. Players for Coleman £500 Jones £500 Meunier £150 Transfer list Mountford £400 Rafferty £400 Stevenson £400 Turner £500. Issue of This motion was deferred for consideration Debentures at a later meeting.