
		Septr. 2 1909 at L'pool		107 19  6
		Jan.  15 1910 at Everton	195 18  9
		& that under the pooling arrangement
		the sum of £43.19.7 was due to L'pool
		F. C. The statement was approved &
		payment passed.

Ireland v	Permission was granted to Scott
Scotland	Harris & Lacey to play for Ireland
		on the 19th inst. provided they return
		on Saturday evening.

Turner		The Secretary having permitted Turner
		to return to Leicester owing to the
		dangerous illness of his wife   Approved

Destruction of	The Secretary reported that during the
property	gate of Thursday last the north goal
		stand was unroofed causing damage
		to adjoining property & that in reply
		to claims made he had denied liability
		Approved it being expected that the
		matter would come up again later.

					D. Kirkwood