48 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park February 22nd 1910.] Present The full Board. Minutes The Minutes of last meeting & of the Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. Postponed The Secretary reported that Manchester matches. United had not yet accepted March 7th & failing their acceptance it was resolved to ask Woolwich to come. Alterations Mr. Leitch attended and reported that he had not been able to complete the checking of Bullens a/cs but that we would be quite safe in making them a payment of £1000 on a/c. The Secretary read letters from their Solicitors. Resolved that £1000 be paid to Bullens on receipt of Architects certificate. Leicester Fosse The Secretary was instructed to instruct the Solicitors to the Co. to proceed against Leicester Fosse for the recovery of the whole amount of their indebtedness to us. Wage Limit Mr. Clayton reported the business of the Meeting at Birmingham hereon. Billiard Table The Secretary was instructed to arrange for the table to be attended to fortnightly & when the players table was erected to arrange for both tables fortnightly for £3.3.0