Lancashire Football Association THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. RICHMOND TERRACE, Dear Sir, BLACKBURN, TRANSFER OF PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS. TELEPHONE 264. FEBRUARY 15TH, 1909. This matter was fully considered by the Council at its meeting on the 18th inst., and notice was given of the Dear Sir, following Motion which will be considered at the meeting of Attached is a copy of a Circular received the Council on the 8th March next :— from The Football Association, and the matter will "That the Rules Revision Committee be requested be taken into consideration by the Council at a to consider what alterations are necessary in the Rules Meeting to be held on the 3rd March next. in order to prevent the numerous transfers of Players during the current season, so as to provide that My Council will be glad to have the views transfers shall only be permissible when there are of Clubs and Leagues interested for their guidance, special reasons justifying them." and if you desire to make any suggestions please let them reach me before the 27th instant. My Council will be glad to have the views of all Asso- ciations and Leagues for their guidance. Yours truly, Will you be kind enough, therefore, to bring the matter before your Council and let me have their reply at your R. P. Gregson convenience. Believe me, Yours truly, F. J. WALL.