
Burnley F. C.	The Secretary reported the receipt of £100
		on a/c of Abbott's transfer fee and
		£7.10.0 in payment of C. Stevenson's fee
		in full and same was confirmed.

Assessment	The Secretary reported that the Rateable
		Value of our property was fixed by the
		overseers at £985 and same was approved.

Lanc. Cup	The Secretary reported the statement herein
Tie		as follows.
		Receipts			Expenditure
		Gate	95. 13.  9	Printing &c.	 6. 11.  7
					Police		 1.  7.  9
					Referee &c.	 2. 16.
					Fares		 1. 13.
					Lanc. F. A.	 8.  6.  6
					Burnley		37.  9.  6
					Everton		37.  9.  5
							95. 13.  9
		The same was approved and cheques
		for £8.6.6 to Lanc. F. A. (10% of net Gate)
		and £39.2.6 (37.9.6 & 33/- fares) were ordered
		to be sent to Lanc. F. A. & Burnley F. C. respectively.

Lanc. Cup Tie	The team selected on Monday for this tie
v Burnley	was
			Balmer W.	Maconnachie
		Harris		Borthwick	Adamson
		Buck	Lacey	Jones	Bolton	Dawson

						E. A. Bainbridge