£500 for his transfer. Eyre The Secretary reported & read letters from the Villa hereon. Welsh Pros. v This game at Wrexham was reported, it Amateurs being stated that there was nothing in the Welsh Amateur side to recommend. Turner It was reported that this outside left of Leicester played very poorly at Anfield. Norwich left That this left wing were strongly Wing recommended. South Bank That Elliott the inside right was Team fair. Bardsley That Bardsley the left back of the Nomads was very promising. The League & Combination games were reported. Team v Scott Sheffield United R. Balmer Maconnachie Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp Coleman Freeman Young White. Accrington Berry Stanley Stevenson Meunier Rafferty Borthwick Clifford Buck Lacey Jones Chetwood Mountford. Director on Gate Mr. Kelly. " to Accgton. None. Vacancy on Resolved that the opinion of the Solicitors Directorate to the Co. be obtained as to the right of the Shareholders at the Annual Meeting to fill a vacancy on the Board caused