[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel February 9th 1909] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Clayton Davies Kelly Whitford Wilson Messrs Kirkwood & Wade at Glossop on Club business. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Lanc. F. A. The Secretary reported that it was announced in the press that the Lanc. F. A. proposed to allocate the amount of the fine inflicted upon us at their meeting tomorrow. He was instructed to write a letter protesting against such action. Speakman The Secretary reported that this player had signed for Liverpool. Mercer But that he had secured the Combinn. registration of this Prescot goalkeeper. J. J. Bentley's The Secretary reported his attendance Letter at Birmingham on Friday and that the subjoined proposition was unanimously adopted. The Secretary's concurrence was confirmed & written confirmation was