Resolved that any director desiring to take a lady to Manchester on Saturday be entitled to do so. Continental The Secretary reported that Copenhagen Tour Football tour was off they having made arrangements elsewhere, that he was in communication with Berlin. Resolved that the Secretary also write Belgium & that the Chairman & he have power to make the best terms possible for such tour. Neave Resolved that the consideration of Longstaff &c. new players be deferred until after the Cup tie. Friendly The Secretary's action in arranging a match Game with P. N. E. reserves on half gross Gate terms for next Saturday be confirmed. Hall It was reported that Aston Villa would not part with Hall. The Secretary was instructed to pay 3/- to Mr. R. K. Mackenzie his entrance fee Jany. 1st. It was reported that Abram & Mitchell gave notice of determination of their tenancy of pavilion roofs. E. A. Bainbridge