69. [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel January 27th 1909.] Present D. Kirkwood Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Clayton Davies Kelly Wade Whitford Wilson Mr. Bainbridge away with team. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Lanc. F. A. The Secretary reported his interview with Mr. Wall hereon and the draft letter embodying our grounds of appeal was approved & ordered to be sent. North & South The Secretary reported this game. Trial Match Vacancy on Resolved unanimously that the vacancy Directorate on the Directorate caused by the death of Mr. Geo. Mahon be not filled it being felt that the Board as at present constituted was numerically adequate for the proper conduct of the Co.'s affairs. Mr. A. Kelly Resolved that the sum of £10 be paid towards the medical & other expenses incurred by A. Kelly through his injury.