65 v Oldham Berry Res. Strettle Meunier Rafferty Borthwick Adamson Evans Lacey Mountford Chetwood Dawson Director to Oldham Mr. Davies. New players Deferred. Training for Resolved that Messrs Bainbridge, Cup Ties Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade & Whitford be deputed to supervise the training and that the usual players go to Blackpool either on the 26th inst. or the 2nd prox. the Chairman & Secretary to arrange. Players Enttmt. The Secretary reported his arrangements for Friday next as follows:- 12.8 Central for Hoylake. Walk to West Kirby. 1.30 Dinner. Walk to Hoylake. 5 Tram to L'pool. 5.45 Tea at Bears Paw. 6.30 Shakespeare Theatre. Alterations Resolved that so soon as the Architect had prepared full plans that the Board meet in day time at Goodison Park to discuss same. Use of Ground An application for our ground on Feby. 6 for Schools Boys Matches was declined.