61 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel January 14th 1909] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Alterations to Mr. Archibald Leitch Architect attended West side of before the Board and produced plans Goodison Park of proposed. a/ Terracing of Bank. b/ Double Decker stands on either side of Directors pavilion. c/ Alterations to Pavilion to accord. d/ Internal arrangements of stands. He also gave the approximate cost of such alterations & additions at £12,000. The Architect having retired the plans were further discussed and the following Resolution Proposed by Dr. Whitford Seconded by Mr. Wade. That the scheme for the equipment of the West side of Goodison Park as submitted by Mr. Leitch be approved an amendment that the consideration of the scheme be deferred for two months was proposed by Mr. Wilson seconded by Mr. Kelly.