37 The League Combination & friendly games were reported. Team v Scott Sheffield W. R. Balmer Maconnachie Harris Clifford Makepeace Sharp Coleman Freeman Young Barlow v Workington Berry Stevenson Meunier Pratt Borthwick Rafferty Buck Lacey Jones Bolton Crews Director on Gate - Mr Clayton. " away None. Mr Mahon It being reported that Mr. Mahon had been removed from his home to Mill Road Infirmary it was resolved that a Sub Committee consisting of Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter & the Secretary be appointed to arrange for his removal at the earliest moment from Mill R. to a more congenial convalescent home and to incur any expense that may be necessary. Dr Baxter stated that at the moment Mr Mahon was too ill to be removed. Parker Mr. Clayton was asked to have this player reported upon at the next meeting. The Secretary was instructed to ask Dr Wright also to obtain a report.