[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel December 2nd 1908] Present Dr Kirkwood Esq Chair Messrs Clayton Davies Kelly Whitford Wilson Mr Bainbridge & the Secretary away on club business. Eyre A letter from the Secretary was read and it was resolved that the deputation be empowered to offer £300 and the transfer of Bolton to Birmingham for Eyre. Douglas A letter was read from Chelsea declining Dolby to part with Douglas but offering Dolby. No action. Bolton A letter from Bolton Wanderers stating that our price for Bolton was too high. H. G. Mahon The Secretary was instructed to send deced. a note of condolence to Mrs. Mahon on the death of her son & to arrange for a wreath to be sent. Benefits Resolved that the usual practice in allocating the gate receipts be adopted. E. A. Bainbridge