27 and it was resolved that as previously arranged with Mr. Hargreaves such report be forwarded to the Lanc. F. A. The trainers made their reports. Cle The Drs. report was read. Mountford The Secretary reported Oldham's offer of £150 for Mountford. Resolved that same be declined. Clifford & Resolved that Mr. Kirkwood & the Secy. White be empowered to negotiate with Bolton Wanderers for the transfer of these players up to £1200. Eyre Resolved that the Secretary visit the B'gham F. C. with a view to the transfer of this outside left. McKay Mr. Kirkwood reported that W. McArthur very strongly recommended this centre forward for a trial & the Secretary's action in wiring for him to be sent down at once and sending £2 for his expenses & also £3 in payment of McArthur's expenses re Young was confirmed. Leicester Resolved we go to Leicester on the Saturday. Xmas Day Resolved that the kick off be at 11 am. Next Meeting Tuesday at 4.30 pm. Gregory The Secretary read letter strongly recommending Gregory inside right of Darlaston F. C. & it was resolved that he have a trial on