[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park
		November 25th 1908]

Present		E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair
		Messrs	Baxter

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting & of the
		Finance Meeting were read & confirmed.

Booth		The Secretary read letter from Carlisle
		stating that they would not agree to the
		terms of transfer & that they would lay
		the matter before the Lancashire
		Combination Committee, also reported
		a conversation in the matter with the
		President of the Lanc. Combination &
		the matter was left in that position.

Reports		The Combination game was reported.
		The reports of Messrs Coates & Davies Jr.
A. Smith	were read and it was decided to
Morley		leave A. Smith alone, to enquire re
Parker		Morley & have Parker seen again.

Lanc. Cup	The Chairman reported his invitation
Tie		to the Lanc. F. A. Councillors present
		on Monday to see our injured Players.
		The Secretary read the medical report