309 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Decr. 7th 1909.] Present D. Kirkwood Esq. Chair Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter, Davies, Wade, Whitford & Wilson. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Reid The deputation were not favorably impressed with Reid but were with the Goalkeeper & right back of Colne. Assessment The Secretary reported his interview with the Solicitors & his instructions to them to appeal were confirmed. He also reported his interview with them Winslow Hotel hereon & he was instructed to write to Threlfalls Ltd denying liability. Billiard Dr. Baxter having seen Mr. Norris' Billiard Table table & accessories recommended the purchase thereof. Resolved that the players Billiard room as originally intended be forthwith proceeded with, a table purchased, & that negotiations for the purchase of Mr. Norris' outfit be proceeded with at once Messrs Baxter, Davies & Kirkwood were appointed a sub committee to carry these matters through. Kelly Messrs Bainbridge & Wilson reported that as Kelly played centre forward he should