Mr. Leitch having reported that he had paid £88 for wages &c. in excess of moneys received, a cheque for that amount was ordered to be paid to him. Billiard Dr. Baxter was asked to inspect Mr. H. G. Table Norris Billiard table &c. when in London & report. Lanc. Cup The Secretary reported having won the toss Final the Final Tie would be played here on Dec. 13th Reports The Doctors report was read. The trainer reported all players except Meunier & Pratt fit. The Combination match was reported. Kelly Messrs Bainbridge & (Wilson) Whitford were deputed to go to Bradford on Saturday to see this outside left of Stockport County play & report. Hooper The Secretary was instructed to ascertain full particulars of Hooper from Notts Forest for next meeting. Leighton Mr. Clayton was deputed to make enquiries re this right back of Harrowby. Pye The Secretary was instructed to have a report of this right back of Berry's play.