305 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park November 30 1909.] Present The full Board. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Kirkwood Read Messrs Kelly, Davies & Wade were deputed to visit St. Helens Town v Colne with full powers. Assessment The Secretary reported having written and to various Clubs for particulars of their Right of Light assessments & the basis thereof & now read replies. This action in giving notice of appeal was confirmed and he was instructed to see the Solicitors to the Co. thereon. Messrs Threlfalls having written to know what we proposed to do re the alleged interference with the light of their property the Winslow Hotel the Secretary was instructed to see the Solicitors on this matter also. Xmas Day The Secretary reported having written Workington to fulfil their fixture on Xmas morning & he was instructed to offer them £5. Allan An application from Jno. Allan for a bonus for signing was declined.