23 Reports The Drs. report was read. The Trainers made their reports. The League Combination & Friendly games were reported. Team v Rovers Scott R. Balmer Maconnachie Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp Coleman Freeman Young Barlow do Res. Berry Stevenson Strettle Rafferty Borthwick Adamson Buck Lacey Jones Bolton Dawson v Liverpool Scott R. Balmer Maconnachie Harris Borthwick Adamson Buck Coleman Freeman Young Dawson Diror. to Blackburn Dr. Baxter but Dr. Whitford went instead on Gate Mr. Wilson. Bell, A. Smith, The Secretary was instructed to Parker, Morley, make enquiries re these players & W. White report. Benefit Resolved that all tickets issued Match by the Directors be charged 1/- each. Resolved that the players be entertained at dinner on the 5th prox. & that cheques for the shares due Balmer R. & Makepeace be given to them then. The Secretary to make arrangements