297 Director to Notts. Mr. Bainbridge. Continental The Secretary read letter from Wiener Tour Athletiksport Club dated 13th inst. asking terms for 4 or 5 matches from May 8 to 16 and for 7 or 8 matches from May 1st to 16th. Resolved that the terms be £450 and £600 respectively. The Secretary reported that the following players were playing very well Kelly outside left Stockport County Bartrop outside right Barnsley Scott goal Grimsby. Injuries The Secretary read letter from W. Jones intimating that he had sustained an injury to his leg on Saturday last whilst leaving the upper deck. Resolved that liability be declined. J. O. Michaels The Secretary reported that Ashton had promised to give us the Combination transfer of this player feeling sure we would remember them if he proved a success. Gate Receipts The Secretary give a list of League Matches played to date with gross receipts of each & the average receipts for past 3 years. An application from Edinburgh Hibs to play them on Jany. 4 for the Benefit of Main