		Both these transactions were confirmed.

Bovril		The Secretary reported that Bovril had
		accepted our terms for a tenancy to
		April 30 1913.
		He was instructed to arrange that
		the sale of chocolate on the stands should
		be conducted with as little inconvenience
		to the public as possible.

Brittish Work-	The Secretary reported that he had
men P. H.	offered 8 sites for the sale of refresh-
		ments, (the additional five to be
		prepared by us) to the British Workmen
		P.H. Co. for 3 Seasons commencing
		Septr. 1 1909 at a rental of £30 per
		season & that the Co. had viewed the
		positions & would communicate with
		us later.

Alterations	The Secretary was directed to ask Mr.
		Leitch to ask for tenders for painting
		offices, dressing rooms &c. same to be
		forwarded to us.

Team v				Scott
Chelsea			Balmer		Maconnachie
		Harris		Borthwick	Makepeace
		Sharp	  Lacey	   Freeman   White	Turner
		Young reserve

v Colne				Berry
			Clifford	Bardsley
		Allan		Webster		Adamson
		Macfarlane  Gourlay   Jones  Mountford  Michaels