
of New Stand	Of this matter was deferred.

Alterations	The Secretary reported that Mr. Leitch
		asked for £600.
		Resolved that a cheque for wages only
		be given & that the balance be considered
		at next meeting.
		Mr. Kelly reported having perused the
		Architects latest a/c showing a balance
		due him of some £600 odd, also Bullens
		quantities a/c.
		Resolved that before a final settlement
 		of Mr. Leitch's a/c be made the same
		be audited by the Company's Auditor.
		The Secretary reported that up to date
		the total payments made for materials
		& wages to Mr. Leitch amounted to £4250.10
		& on a/c of fees £150.
		To Francis Morton & Co. £5000 on a/c of their
		contract price of £5928 and
		To Bullens Ltd. of £1450 on a/c of their contract
		price of £2527.

Insurance of	The Secretary reported that at present the
Buildings	amount of insurance on our Buildings was
		£12000 at a premium of £15 & that same
		expired today.
		Mr. Clayton was instructed to arrange for
		an increase of such insurance to £20000.

Billiard room	The proposed Billiard room for players
for players	having been inspected, the same was
		considered inadequate & it was decided
		not to have such a room.