		& eight new proposals @ £1 each) with the
		Mutual Insurance Federation.

		An application for the use of our ground
		for a Schools Cup tie on the 23rd inst. was

Litherland	Resolved that a donation of £5 be made
F. C.		to the Litherland F. C. the club from which
		R Anderson came to us.

Riverside	An application for a donation was
F. C.		declined.

Taylor		This centre half of Motherwell was reported
		very good - deferred to next meeting
Bowie		as was the consideration of this inside.	

Webster		The Secretarys action in asking Fosse to
		let this player come on a months trial
		was approved.

O'Dougherty	Mr. Bainbridge & the Secretary were deputed
		to see this outside right play at Willington
		on Saturday with powers.

Trials		The Secretary was instructed to give trials
		in our game with the Nomads on the 23rd.

					D Kirkwood