267 Alterations The Architect having certified for a further payment to Bullens Ltd. of £500 the same was ordered to be paid. The Secretary was instructed to call a meeting of Directors for Tuesday at 3 pm. to ascertain what portion of the work in the offices &c was being done by us and to ask Mr Leitch to attend & in the meantime to obtain a set of Bullen's quantities: prices to be then settled. The Secretary was instructed to place the probable "formal opening of stand" on next Agenda. An invitation to Directors & Players for the Albert Hall Skating Rink for Wednesday next was tendered & accepted. Money Mr Davies was deputed to see Hoylake play Saltney on Saturday & report. Mr Clayton was deputed to see A team play. Lpool Coy. The secretary's action in entering the Challenge Cup A team for this Competition was confirmed. Lucas The Secretary was instructed to give Lucas his transfer. Insurance of The Secretary was instructed to insure 38 Players players and trainers (30 renewals at 10/- each