261 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Septr. 30th 1909.] Present The full Board. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Right of light The Secretary reported his interview with Threlfalls Limited hereon and that they were prepared to accept an indemnity by us against any action brought against them by the Trustees for their Debenture holders for depreciation of their property through the erection of our Double Decker in Goodison Road. Resolved that the consideration of this matter be deferred, the Secretary in the meantime to obtain the opinion of the Company's Solicitors & Architect on the matter and report. Smith & Burnley asking £500 each or £850 for the Smithams pair it was resolved to do nothing. Wolstenholme Oldham having refused our offer - No further action. Transfer list This was postponed. ? This player was reported not good enough. A team The Secretary reported that last Saturday's Gate Gate was £2.3.0.