19 Booth and The Secretary reported an offer by Carlisle McCormack United of £5 for the combination transfers of Booth & Macormack with an undertaking to transfer them on demand they to have the excess over £95 in each case. The offer was declined. New Goodison The Secretary reported that Mr. Leitch Park had written stating that he had now prepared his model and that he (the Secretary) had asked him to attend this evening with same. Insurance The payment of £37 the premium due the League Mutual Insurance Federation for insurance of 35 players & 2 trainers was approved. Coleman The Secretary reported that at Coleman's request he had agreed to retain out of Coleman's Salary until further notice £1 per week and to place same to Coleman's credit in the Cos' books. Stores The Secretary was instructed to purchase 2 dozen Towels and 2 dozen Knickers. Transfers of Jno. C. Alcock to Clarence Greenwood Shares 3 Shares 15/- pd. 838 to 840. Wm. Youds to Hugh Peace 3 Shares 15/- pd. 1446-1448. Passed.