Whitford & himself to Mr. H. P. Cleaver & that Mr Cleaver promised to look into the matter of increased assessment. Meanwhile the Secretary was instructed to give notice of appeal. Damage to The Secretary intimated that he had Clothing arranged to settle this claim for 10/6 approved. Reports The trainers made their reports. The League & Combination games were reported also the A team. The Dr's report was read. Williams This Buckley Engineers player was Left half reported by the Secretary as very good. Trams Ground The Secretary reported that the Trams as had declined permission to allow L'pool to use their ground with us. Gate recpts. That to date the Gross Gate receipts amounted to £1682.0.5. Right of That Threlfall's directors & architect had light visited their property in Goodison Rd. & that he the Secretary had heard that see they proposed to make a claim for damages for loss of light through the new double-decker. Sanderson That this outside left of North End and Wolstenholme inside left of Oldham A F C were