251 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park September 16th 1909] Present The full Board. Minutes The minutes of last meeting and of the last two Finance Meetings were read and confirmed. Over draft Mr. Clayton reported that our Bankers were prepared to facilitate our a/c being overdrawn to £10000 on the lodgement of scrip of Corporation Stock as Security. The Secretary was instructed to attend with Messrs Clayton & Wilson tomorrow at 2 pm. Alterations The progress of alterations, and Mr Leitch's receipts on a/c of terracing &c were discussed and it was decided to ask Mr Leitch to meet the Board here on Saturday at 2.30. Mr Leitch having certified for a further payment to Bullens Ltd. of £450 it was resolved that same be paid at the expiration of 7 days. That the Secretary obtain Signatures for £2700 and wages cheques for Morton's & Mr Leitch respectively after the arrangements for the overdraft had been completed. Poor Rate The Secretary reported the visit of Dr