Shepherd That Bolton had no intention of parting with Shepherd. Reports The Doctors report was read. The Trainers made their reports. The League Combination & Friendly games were reported. Team v Scott Chelsea R. Balmer Maconnachie Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp Coleman Freeman Young Barlow Dawson Reserve. v Darwen Berry Stevenson Strettle Rafferty Borthwick Adamson Buck Lacey Couper Bolton Woods. Director to Chelsea Mr. Bainbridge. on Gate Mr. Davies. Refreshment Resolved that Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly, Bars Kirkwood, Wade & Whitford constitute a Subcommittee to consider the advisability of refreshment bars under the grandstand & that the B. W. P. House Co. be asked to send a representative to the meeting at 2.30 on Monday next. McTavish On Mr. Kirkwood's report that this player was not likely to be of any use to us for a month. The consideration thereof was deferred.