247 Mr Leitch considered that Morton's work was completed on the 4th inst. Mr Leitch having certified for a payment of £2,700 to Francis Morton & Co. and £500 to Bullen Brothers Ltd. payment of these amounts was ordered. The Secretary reported that to date the sum of £3410.10.0 had been paid to Mr Leitch in respect of Wages and £170 Materials and Mr Leitch stated that Since his estimate of £3500 for his work ?as to this week would he feared be exceeded but that & future payments he was doing work the cost of which would have to be deducted from Messrs Bullens Contract. Finance Resolved that this Committee meet Committee at 4 pm on Monday next. Police for Resolved we do not engage police A team at present. Notts Forest The Secretary reported that Notts Forest had paid £181.7.9 the amount of Compensation settled by the League Management Committee. Damage to The Secretary read a letter from Mr Clothing J A Griffiths re damage to his pants by paint & he was instructed to effect a settlement on the best terms.