v Tottenham Scott Hotspur Balmer Maconnachie Harris Borthwick Makepeace Sharp White Freeman Young Turner Rafferty & Mountford Reserves v Oldham Berry A Res. Stevenson Meunier Rafferty Pratt Clifford Buck Lacey Gourlay Anderson Mountford Newcastle Scott United Balmer Maconnachie Harris Taylor Makepeace Sharp Coleman Freeman White Turner Southport Berry Central Stevenson Meunier Rafferty Borthwick Clifford Buck Lacey Gourlay Carlisle Mountford Prescot Gratton Wire Works Osborne Wright Weller Webb Davies Michaels Bickerton Carlisle Hunt Godwin Directors on Gate 4th Dr Whitford. 6th Mr Clayton. away 4th Mr Bainbridge. 6th Mr Kelly. Hearts of An application to send a team in Midlothian January for a Benefit Match was declined.