17. Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Novr 11 1908 Present E.A. Bainbridge Esq Chair Messrs Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed Chadwick & The Secretary reported the receipt from Preston Winterhalder North End of £525 the transfer fees herein Sloan of £300 from L'pool F C for transfer fee herein and £6 interest Colne That we had fixed up this match for December 1 approved Lanc F.A. That we had been fined £25 for playing under full strength in the ties. Resolved that the fine be paid and that later on we consider our position with regard to next season. Anderson That Anderson declined our offer of 10/- per week and wanted 20/- Resolved that the matter be deferred unless at 10/- per week. Ormesher That Ormesher preferred to sign on for us at 10/- per week. Resolved that his offer be accepted.