227. [Emergency Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel, August 30th 09] Present D Kirkwood Esq Chair Messrs Clayton Bainbridge Wade Whitford The Secretary reported that the vast majority of the players had promised loyalty to the club when asked on the 26th inst. That at the Meeting of the League clubs on Friday the 27th inst. at Birmingham the clubs had unanimously confirmed the action of the F A and promised them unqualified support. That the Players Union had held a meeting in Manchester yesterday. That our players had declined the invitation to send two representatives to the proposed conference with the F A at Birmingham on Tuesday next. That Sharp and Makepeace had reported themselves on the 28th inst. That he the Secretary had today received postcards from all the players except Taylor, Harris & Scott (away) intimating that they had joined the Players Union. That he had accordingly signed on and registered a number of amateurs