result Board. Complimentary A list was submitted by the Secretary Tickets and approved. Insurance The Secretary's action in insuring 36 players & officials with the League was approved. Transfer of C. L. Wilson to Wm. Morris Shares 3 @ 15/- 741 to 743 passed. D. Kirkwood 112 The Football Mutual Insurance Federation 47, Tithebarn Street, PRESTON, 11 AUG. 1909 190 The Everton Club having proposed for a Policy of Insurance against Accidents or Death for Thirty six Players, as stated in their Application, for year ending 30th April next, the same is hereby held Insured, subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Policy of this Federation, pending the approval of the Directors, and the preparation of such Policy, or until notice is given that the Insurance is declined. Thos. Charnley Resident Secretary. D. Kirkwood