Retirement Messrs Baxter, Kelly, Wade & Whitford
of Directors the directors who retire in 1910 balloted
as to who should continue until 1911 and
Dr. Whitford was selected.
A. Berry The Secretary reported that Mr. A. Berry
had decided not to proceed with his
application fearing that his action
might create ill feeling between the two
clubs. The Secretary was instructed to
speak to L'pool F. C. on the matter.
Agenda Mr. Wade withdrew his notice of motion.
Greenaway This outside right of Woolwich (5.5½
10.12 & 22 years) was reported as on
offer but the further consideration was
Spiers This outside right of Port Glasgow being
offered on trial for a month. Mr. Kirkwood
and the Secretary were deputed to see
him play on Saturday with powers.
Turner, Sharp The Secretary was instructed to
& Makepeace write them to attend here on the 23rd.
Turnstiles The Secretary reported that 11 new
turnstiles would be required was
instructed to order same.
Panic bolts Also panic bolts for doors of lower
goal stand.
Results Board Also to arrange with Mr. Leitch for new