		by Mr. Clayton was considered and it was
		resolved that a Gold Watch suitably
		inscribed be presented by the Club to
		Mr. Clayton. Messrs Kirkwood, Davies &
		the Secretary to arrange details.

Retirement	The consideration of this matter was
of Directors	deferred to next meeting.

Painting	Resolved that the front of the Bullens
		Road Stand and the Hoardings inside
		the field of play be washed and painted
		one coat.

Berry A.	The Secretary reported that he was of
		opinion that Mr. A. Berry son of the
		Exchairman of L'pool F. C. would be glad
		to play with us if we thought him
		good enough & the matter was left in
		the Secretary's hands with the intimation
		that we would be glad to include him
		in a Public Practice game.

Agenda		Mr. Wade gave notice that he would move
		that the item "Letters" be transferred
		from the last place in the Agenda
		to the second place.

					D. Kirkwood