
[Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel
		June 24th 1909]

Present		D. Kirkwood Esq. Chair
		Messrs	Clayton

Minutes		The minutes of last meeting were read
		& confirmed.

'A' Team	The Secretary reported that he had
		obtained permission to hold trial
		games on the Trams ground during
		Resolved that Season ticket holders
		should be entitled to enter the Trams
		ground on production of ticket.

Combination	Resolved that the Press be invited.
Fixtures Mtg.	The Secretary reported that the probable
		number of guests would be 90 to 100.

Notts Forest	Resolved that the application by
Compensation	Notts Forest to be allowed until the
		first week in September to pay us the
		Compensation due, be acceded to.

Sandwich	The Secretary read letter from Mr.
Men		Hassan hereon.

Couper		The Secretary was instructed to
		reply to Couper's application to the