advertising their attractions.
Shareholders Mr. Davies gave notice that he would move a
Seats resolution to re-cover the Shareholders
Painting &c. The question of painting &c. was deferred
for further consideration - the opinion
expressed being favorable.
Bone Meal The Secretary was instructed to purchase
1 ton of Bone meal from Bradbury Hirsch
at £5.8.9.
Lanc. Cup The Secretary read dates of Lanc. Cup
ties & reported that we were exempt
from Round 1.
The Secretary was instructed to pay
L'pool Corpon. for use of parapet for 2
months £1.5.0.
For making additional roadway 17/8.
Beaty Bros. To renew this agreement
yearly until further notice at 21/-.
Programme To accept the Programme Syndicates
Syndicate tender for the renewal of privileges for
sale of Programmes & Literature on the
ground for £85 from Aug. 1 1909 to Apl.
30 1910.
Transfer of Jno. E. Jones to Mary Jones
Shares 3 shares 834 to 836 Passed.
D. Kirkwood