193 The Secretary reported the alterations to the Rules. That the following undated fixtures were arranged. Septr. 1 Sheffd. Wedy. Home 6 Newcastle U. Home (both gross gates Home & away to be pooled) 20 Sheffd. Wedy. Away Dec. 25 Bristol Away 27 do Home Jan. 1 Bury Away Mch. 28 do Home These fixture arrangements were approved & it was decided not to arrange an away match for Good Friday. The copy of the address was submitted & the Secretary instructed to have same framed, also Mr. Molyneux's copy. F.A. Meeting Mr. Kelly reported the business transaction at the F.A. Annual Meeting. The Secretary reported alterations to rules. Notts Forest That the League had awarded us Compensation £181.7.9 compensation. Sandwich- The Secretary was instructed to see men the Music Hall managers if better arrangements could not be made for