189 Transfer of T. F. Campion to Wm. H. Christopher Shares 1 free share 2221 & 1 part paid 2115 Passed. League The Secretary reported that our undated Fixtures fixtures were with Bristol City Bury Sheffield Wednesday & that Newcastle United were due to visit us on the date of the 2nd round of the English Cup ties & that this match would most probably have to be rearranged. Having discussed the difficulties it was decided that the arrangement of fixtures be left to those in attendance at the fixtures meeting. F.A. and The Secretary read a circular letter Limit Wage from Mr. J. C. Clegg & F. J. Wall calling attention to the proposal by the F.A. to remove all reference to wages & bonus from the Rules & it was resolved to support the F.A. proposals as set out in such circular which is attached. D. Kirkwood