Strettle's transfer fee. Crews An application from Crews for a free transfer was read & it was resolved to ask him to refer any club desiring his services to us. L'pool County The Secretary read Mr. Lythgoe's circular F.A. letter of May 5 1909. Alterations The Secretary reported the receipt of £24.10.0 for sale of 30.12.2 timber @ 16/- £ 7.16.4 " 5. 4.1 scrap @ 30/- and that he had arranged for the sale of the steel rods (old) at 40/- per ton. Approved. Venables This player being on Bolton Wanderers list at £50. No action. Leicester The Secretary submitted Promissory Note Fosse from Leicester Fosse & having read same it was approved. Good Friday The Secretary read letter from the Secy. of the St. Timothy's Everton Branch of the C.E. Men's Society recommending the abolition of football matches on Good Fridays. No action. Reduction The Secretary read letter from the Solicitors of Directors to the Co. that no confirmation of the Resolution to reduce the Board was necessary.