187 resolved to defer the further consideration thereof until the return of those Directors now on tour. League Annl. Mr. Clayton & the Secretary were reported Meeting to attend the League Meeting. Dinner The Secretary was instructed to apply for an additional ticket for Mr. Kelly. F.A. Meeting Mr. Kelly & the Secretary were instructed to attend the F.A. Meeting. Pooling It was resolved that the system of Arrangement pooling of Combination receipts with Liverpool be continued. The action of the Secretary in sending a 21/- wreath for Mr. McKenna was confirmed. Cooke The Secretary was instructed to offer Cooke an engagement for Saturday afternoons at 10/- per week to commence from this week. Phillips The Secretary was instructed to send Phillips £5 for services rendered. Secretary Resolved that the Salary of the Secretary be increased to £400 per annum as from June 1 1909. Strettle Resolved that we do not reduce